Zenstation - Paradise Gate" by Angelight

Music for mankind from Russia

Total time: 52:28 - release date: 4/16/2011

"Zensation - Paradise Gate" is part of Angelight's series on the healing power of music.
This series of albums are interwoven with natural sounds, in order to achieve a double effect: sounds of nature are generally deeply connected to our roots causing a relaxed and serene current through out our bodies. The music keeps our minds in touch with our humanity and we are transported not through the waterfall but over it, surging us with the water's freshness and power.

The charm of this music is clear to anyone who relishes smooth musical transitions and melodious overflow, and should not only appeal to new age music fans, it is beneficial to everybody: for instance playing to ease the monotony of housework, after a hard day's work in the office, during meditation, and for healers to support them and their clients during sessions.

Angelight's music is here presented in the traditional transformational style - with a meditative and rhythmical covering that calls to deep conditions. It is best to listen simply having relaxed and allowing yourself to travel to the world of light. It is also possible to use this music for yoga or meditation, or to reflect over the meaning of your life in a philosophical solitude.

To find paradise people go to the end of the Earth and directly to the depths of Space, however the heavenly spot is first of all where the person finds himself. It is necessary to look in the internal space. For this purpose it is necessary to stop all external vanity, to switch on the music and to begin a way to the spiritual space. And only there the Paradise Gate will open for you.

The Gate of Paradise
Zen Master Hakuin - one of a few, blossoming.
Sometime ago the great soldier, the Samurai, came and asked: "Where is Hell? Where is Paradise? If there is Paradise and a Hell, Where are the gates and how can I enter?"
This person was the simple soldier. Soldiers are always simple and artless. He knew only two things: life and death. He didn't have any philosophy, he simply wanted to know, where to avoid the gate of Hell and how to get to Paradise.
...And Hakuin answered so that the soldier could understand. "Who are you?" - Hakuin asked. " I am the Samurai", answered the soldier. It is very honorable thing to be a Samurai in Japan. It means to be the perfect soldier, who doesn't deliberate for a second whether to leave his life or not. He was told: "I am a Samurai, the leader of Samurais. The Emperor pays a tribute of respect to me". Hakuin burst out laughing and answered: "Are you the Samurai? You look like a poor ragamuffin!" Samurai pride was touched. He has forgotten, what he had come for. He instantly snatched out a sword and was going to kill Hakuin. Hakuin laughed and told him: "Here is the Hell Gate. With a sword, being angry, with Your ego - you will open them". The Samurai immediately realized. He enclosed a sword in his sheath... And Hakuin told him: "And here Paradise Gate opens".

Imperceptible pressures in the body disappear, carrying away alarm and worry, and all the thoughts which fill your consciousness contribute to a high-quality rest. It is surprising that listening to spa-music Angelight has found it unnecessary to make any additional efforts to relax and have a rest - the body itself dumps superfluous pressure and weariness. The good relaxation allows us to be well rested, it helps to maintain an organism of force and to save up energy for self-restoration - here is the key to improvement and rejuvenation.

Zenstation - Paradise Gate by Angelight